Under the Moonlight


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Disheveled by LindaG
Darren tried to hide his impatience as he sat in the makeup chair.
How he wished the disheveled look worked for him. It always made Daniel look so damn sexy!
‘I would just look like a half-drowned cat!’ He pouted.
“Hey, baby? Why the long face?” Daniel leaned down and gave him a quick kiss.
Darren’s eyes darted from his reflection to Daniel’s and his frown disappeared as he chuckled.
“Just moping because my hair doesn’t look as good as yours.”
Daniel’s brilliant smile flashed a moment.
“It’s sexy enough for me. We do have a concert to play.”


disheveled, also dishevelled \ dih-SHEV-uhld \, adjective:
In loose disorder; disarranged; unkempt; as, "disheveled hair".