The stories found on this site are what one might call fan fiction. No harm is meant by anything, and if the real life people whose characters we're playing with for fun ever decide to publicly have anything against fiction of this kind being published online, I shall retire It's all about mutual consent and approved freedom to fantasize.
I have NO ties to either Mr. Daniel Jones NOR Mr. Darren Hayes.
Savage Garden and the music they've made are theirs to keep.
I am not making money out of this, just beloved work, call me crazy or not.
I am *not* (nor are any of the authors) making any claims concerning their sexualities, considering this *is* a slash site mainly. (Slash = interaction of the lovey dovey or even intimate kind between two members of the same sex, in this case two men which would make it m/m). It's their personal business who they sleep with if anyone. Rest assured.
If you've come this far, you should have a fairly good idea (I believe) of who and what
Savage Garden are (or were, however you look at it), but just in case you don't, we're talking a 90's contemporary pop/rock band with a very unique style of their own, inspiring legions of people with both their music AND their given image. This here, as any
fan site is result of that. Nothing is meant to slander. This is all about the love. So if this isn't your cup of tea (or Cherry Coke), you're to free to fly tonight. The choice is yours.
Now then, the archive is divided into categories depending on the genre of the fic in question. (Ratings clearly visible, not to unintentionally corrupt anyone.) Use the links above to browse. Each story has a separate disclaimer concerning possible songs used etc. Feedback is to be sent via e-mail (and trust me it's appreciated *winks*). And that's really all there is to it!
Except that: feeling upto writing and having your work posted as well? :) This archive aims to be as up to date as only possible and I shall be accepting new entries based on my good (slightly... biassed maybe *ahem*) judgement. So:
Submit a story (and let's preferably keep it either D/D, D/OMC not-part-of-the-touring-party or no pairing at all)
And I'll let you know how it goes! Pleasure doing business with you nevertheless.
Thank you for listening, please do enjoy and feel free to
contact me anytime.
P.S. PLEASE do provide the authors with their justified feedback. As every blossoming flower, we *need* our watering. :)
P.P.S. ONE MORE THING. And I actually feel ashamed that this came to me so late... but naturally it has to be made clear that plagiarizing someone else's work is something that would go to the universal category of extremely 'un-cool'. The fics are absolutely, entirely copyrighted to their original writers and even though it's common knowledge that you do get to link to stories, forward them or download them for your own enjoyment... it is NOT something to assume straight up that you're entitled to post them or archive them either. So please keep that in mind. The contact details are there for a reason. If unsure, always drop a line to the person concerned.