Under the Moonlight


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Jettison by LindaG
“Danny, I thought you promised to quit?”
“How’d you find me?”
The older man walked up behind Daniel and pulled him close.
Daniel felt him shrug.
“Something drew me here.” Daniel could hear the satisfied grin.
“I’m doing my best, Darren…”
“But you don’t taste good when we kiss. It’s bitter.”
“I promise to brush after.”
“You can’t always do that, but we can always kiss. Hand them over.”
Daniel looked down at the open palm, sighed and handed over the new pack. As they walked back into the house, Daniel watched Darren jettison the pack into the trash.


jettison \ JEH-tuh-sun \ verb

1: to throw (goods) overboard to lighten a ship or aircraft in distress
*2: discard