Under the Moonlight
Go Your Own Way


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Go Your Own Way by LindaG


(Disclaimed: 'Go Your Own Way', Lindsay Buckingham)


[Loving you

Isn't the right thing to do]


What did you expect me to think, when you placed that ad?


'Wanted: Singer. White male, non-smoking, cute bottom.'


Yeah, you explained the non-smoking part was your bother Oliver's idea, but what about the rest?

In this sometimes homophobic world, what did you *think* I would think, after reading that ad? What any self-respecting gay man would think, what else?


[How can I

Ever change things that I feel]


Did you really think only a straight guy like your brother, like you like to think yourself, would answer it?

What did you expect me to think about you and the other members of Red Edge?

How could you not think I might be gay? That I might fall for you?


[If I could

Maybe I'd give you my world]


Can't you see I've been head over heels since the audition?

That crappy audition!

My voice broke. I wanted to die right then. But I finished.

And you stopped me before I could leave.

You said you loved my voice.

You said more, but all I really remember was falling. Drowning.

Into emerald eyes. That held me like quicksand.

And your voice...

If mine had been low, I'd have wanted it to be like yours.

Low. Soft. Easy to lose yourself in. Kind of furry.


[How can I

When you won't take it from me]


We shared a tiny one-room flat.

Slept in the same tiny bed.

You insisted. Said I didn't need to sleep on the floor.

Especially after I caught that terrible cold and couldn't even talk for a week.

What did you expect that I would feel after that? That I would think?

How could I not fall deeper into the abyss?

Wanting to tell you how I felt.

Knowing you would probably reject me, and we'd lose everything we were working so hard for.


[You can go your own way

Go your own way

You can call it another lonely day

You can go your own way

Go your own way]


You've had so many girls, that I have to wonder if I wasn't right that first day I saw you.  Do you even know what you want? Or are you afraid to admit it to yourself. Colby was my mistake. But I only made it once. We both knew it. We're still friends.

The only thing I can say for sure is you don't pick up groupies.

Still, I wonder how happy you are.


[Tell me why

Everything turned around

Packing up

Shacking up is all you want to do]


Then you told me you couldn't do this any more. You're away from whats-her-name too much.

Bitter laugh.

What was she? Number ten, I think. I lost track of names and faces, and now it seems I can't even remember which number you're on.

So you went back to Brissy to live with her.

Maybe do some producing.

You can afford to experiment.

Take chances.

Because *we* were so good together. Just not like I wanted.

*We* meshed like the cogs in a well oiled machine.

Your yin to my yang.

But if I believe you, you never felt like I did. What I did.

Did you miss it?

Ignore it?

I was plain enough on stage, wasn't I? When I fell at your feet?

Did you *really* think I was just putting on a show?


[If I could

Baby I'd give you my world

Open up

Everything's waiting for you]


The fans loved it.

I think they'd have been happy if you'd ever reciprocated.

I would have fainted dead away.

I'm sure of that.

My dreams become reality.

It would have been the answer to my prayers.

Maybe it's true, what some people say.

Maybe God *does* hate homosexuals.

Maybe... maybe...


[You can go your own way

Go your own way

You can call it another lonely day

You can go your own way

Go your own way]


So now I'm writing and performing alone.

Lee is still with me.  Bless him.

He picks up the pieces when I can't take it any more.

I love him for that.

But not the way he wants me to.

I feel bad about that.  But I've explained to him, I lost my heart to you years ago. You just never found it. Never gave it back. I'm only half a man.

But he says he can wait. Just in case.

I have no choice.

I *have* to wait.

I still hope. Sometimes. When I see the pictures where you're putting on a face for the world.

I lived and breathed you for years. I *know* when you're really happy. And when you're acting.

I hope hopelessly that maybe you think of me, sometimes.

I've kept in touch with your mum. She'll always know where I am.

How to reach me.  Day or night.

The world is changing slowly, Danny.

It's more tolerant these days.

Maybe one day you'll admit women don't do it for you. Does this new one do it for you? She's different from the one you left me for, so I know she's yet another new one.

When you *do* realize it, Danny, if you do; when you finally admit it to yourself, please think of me.

Remember what we had together.


[You can call it another lonely day

You can go your own way

You can call it another lonely day

You can go your own way]


