Under the Moonlight
Sing a Rainbow

Chapters I-VI


See first AKA Disclaimer | Po's Clues | Angst | Humorous | Platonic | PWP | Romance | Exits (for further reading) | Link to Me

Sing a Rainbow by LunaFlower
~Chapter One~

As usual Leonie forsook the notion of knocking and sailed right into the hotel room.

'Hmmm.' Darren replied, not lifting his eyes from the screen in front of him.

'You're not on the BBS again?' Leonie questioned in mock annoyance.


'So anything interesting on there then?'

In reply Darren pushed back his chair and angled the laptop round. 'See for yourself.' He grinned.

'Is Darren gay?' The title at the top of the thread screamed.

'Oh great not another one.'

Darren smiled, not particularly fussed. 'Oh you know the drill, it'll stay up there for a few days then Carla'll remove it, it'll all go quiet and then three months down the line it'll raise its ugly head again.'

'So do they come to any conclusions?'

'Nope. Just the usual...no, yes, don't know, who cares...nothing new.'

'Well here's something that'll get their tongues wagging.'

'Oh yeah?'

'Yep. Sony have just called and they want you to do a P.A. at this year's Sydney Mardi Gras.'

'When is it?'

'2nd of March.'

Darren shrugged. 'Yeah, fine, don't see that being a problem, after all I've got a large fanbase amongst the gay population.'

Leonie laughed. 'No, Savage Garden had a large fanbase amongst the gay population. What makes you think it was your little toosch that they were all turning out to drool over?'

'Hey that's not fair, I've got a very nice little toosch thank you very much,' Darren protested indignantly, 'they all think so anyway.' And he gesticulated at the laptop.

'Well we'll soon find out won't we. They've asked if you'll sing 'Insatiable' and...' Leonie bit her lip nervously, ''Affirmation'.'

'Oh now there's a surprise.'

'So I can tell them that you'll do it?'

'It was a request?' Since when did record companies request anything.

'Erm, no not quite, the words 'contractual obligation' did come into the conversation at one point if I remember rightly.'

'Nah, go on, it's fine. It'll be a blast.'

'Ok.' And with that Leonie left to call back the record company and let them know of Darren's agreement.

'I've got a lovely little toosch,' Darren muttered to himself, getting up and going to stand in front of the full length mirror, craning his neck to see said part of his anatomy, 'you're a fine specimen of an arse aren't you,' he reassured it, shaking his booty sexily for emphasis before realising what he was doing and groaning out loud. 'I am having a conversation with my rear, I seriously need help.'

The next few weeks flew by in a blur for Darren, interviews, promo work, the AMAs, yet more interviews...the list went on and on. And all the time the release date for 'Insatiable' grew ever nearer. It still gave him an immense buzz every time he happened to turn on the radio and heard it being played. He was so proud of what he had managed to achieve. Here he was, a real solo artist. All the pain, the tears, the self-doubt was behind him now, he could do this and he was going to do it. He briefly wondered what it would be like to perform alone, no back-up band behind him, no singers...and no Daniel.

The last thought he quickly dismissed. In his mind Daniel had already been absent for a long time, towards the end even when they were both on stage it seemed like Daniel had already departed. He hadn't wanted things to end like they did and deep down he hoped that Daniel hadn't either, but how was he to know when they weren't exactly on what you would call speaking terms at the moment.

'I just need some space right now.' Daniel had told him and, as per usual once he had calmed down, Darren had seen the wisdom of his words, so space was what Daniel was getting and much as Darren knew that getting bitter wasn't going to help the situation he still couldn't help himself from having the odd dig.

'It was like a second divorce. It was art imitating life, I'd be on-stage singing songs like 'I
Don't Know You Anymore' to Daniel. And I don't even know if he knew I was directing them to him. I'd sing the 'The Lover After Me' and at the end I'd sing 'Don't go, don't go' to him. Sometimes Daniel couldn't even make eye contact with me on stage.' He had said in one recent interview. He regretted it almost the minute he had said it. When would he learn to think before opening his mouth? But what was said was said and he couldn't take it back. It just hurt him to think that perhaps Daniel would read the article but there again why should Daniel be bothering reading an article about him? He had his own path to travel down now, one that clearly did not involve Darren.

January quickly dispatched itself, 'Insatiable' thankfully being received with open arms by both the fans and the critics alike, and come the first week of February Darren found himself in a dance studio along with a choreographer trying to put together some moves for the Mardi Gras appearance.

Being a P.A. it was just going to be singing along to a playback so the musical side of it wasn't an issue but he wanted to devise some sort of routine that would really grab the crowd's attention.

He struggled at first to remember all the little hand gestures that he had made during 'Affirmation'. Had he really forgotten them so quickly? Wiped them from his mind more like, he mused grimly. Then of course there would be no running over to Daniel during the instrumental break, no resting his hand on his shoulder, looking on adoringly as those talented slender fingers coaxed the notes out of the strings of his guitar.

Daniel. Always it came back to Daniel. Had it been such a wise idea to agree to perform this particular track, Darren wondered. But there again he hadn't been given a great deal of choice. With a line like 'I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality', it was always a pretty safe bet that the organisers and the record company would want him to include this one.

'Darren, you've missed out a whole move again!' Michael called out exasperated.

'Huh?' Darren forced himself back to the present.

'I thought we had agreed on you running your hands down from your chest over your crotch during that line?'

'Ermm, yeah we did. Sorry, wanna run through it again?' Darren was genuinely sorry for messing up. The perfectionist in him once more rose to the fore.

'Nah...you'll be fine, just shake your thing and they'll love you.' Michael laughed, 'Hell if I wasn't already taken I'd be after a piece of you myself.'

Darren simply smiled. After so many years in the business he was used to banter like this now. Refusing to publicly confirm or deny the rumours surrounding his sexuality only added to the air of ambiguity that surrounded him. An air that he revelled in.

Why should he be forced to tell the screaming hordes what gender of lover he preferred to keep his bed warm? Let them think what they will. He was quite happy to be anything to everyone and if he fuelled teenage guys' dreams as well as teenage girls, well he wasn't complaining. It never did any harm to record sales when he was part of Savage Garden, he didn't see why it should do any harm now. Besides it was no one's business but his own. Gay, straight, bi, whatever, it made no difference to Darren what people thought. He and those close to him knew the truth and that was all that mattered.

Sighing he went over and retrieved his water bottle, taking a long, grateful skull.

'Want to call it a day?' Michael asked.

'Might as well,' Darren replied, 'Same time Thursday yeah?'

'Yep, see you then.'

'Ok, catch you later then.' With a half-hearted wave Darren left the studio and began the drive home.

Twice during that evening his hand hovered over the phone, the second time he even got as far as lifting the receiver before replacing Mr. Vader on his cradle. No, when Daniel was ready to talk he would call. Until then Darren would stick to his promise and give him his 'space'.

Finally he gave up trying to concentrate on anything and suggested to Leonie that they went out for Chinese.

~Chapter Two~

'So Darren how does it feel to be asked to perform at this year's Mardi Gras?' The interviewer from 'Outrage' asked.

'I've very flattered to be asked,' Darren replied with a genuine smile, 'the gay community have always been very supportive of my music and I thank them. It is wonderful to be here today and to be part of something like this. I was walking around earlier, watching the parade and I have to tell you the vibe here this year is something else. I think it's marvellous that everyone can come together like this and celebrate the diversity of our society.'

'You're going to be performing your new single 'Insatiable', can you tell us what that song is about?'

'It's about love, it's about being with someone who consumes your very being. The kind of love where you don't want to let that someone out of your sight for even one second.' Darren grinned, 'It's very sexy.'

'It is that.' The interviewer agreed with a laugh and then continued. 'Does it feel strange to be here as a solo artist?'

The $64,000 question.

Darren still wasn't sure about that one so he answered as honestly as he could. 'Yeah, it does feel a little weird but you know life is all about pushing yourself to do new things, even things that scare you a bit. Performing with a back-up band is kinda like having a security blanket, you know that if you mess up they will carry you through but being up there all on my own, shit yeah, it freaks me out sometimes but I'm loving it as well. It's giving me a chance to be who I really am. What you see in my performances now is the real me, no bullshit, no image, just me. And I just know that everyone out there is waiting to see if I fall flat on my arse, well maybe I will, who knows? It's just all part of the 'new' me folks!' Both Darren and the interviewer laughed this time.

'Well thank you for your time Darren and I look forward to your performance later, I'll have my pillows ready just in case you do go flying.'

'Cheers mate.'

The two shook hands and then the guy wandered off to find his next celebrity to interview.

Darren watched him go before checking the time and concluding that he had enough to go out and mingle a bit more before he had to take to the stage.

Everywhere he went there were smiling, happy faces, even the police were relaxed and smiling. Rarely was there trouble at these events but you never could tell. All it took was a handful of narrow minded homophobes and it could all go horribly wrong.

But for now all was peaceful. Peaceful and colourful. Many people had taken part in the parade earlier and still wore their brightly coloured costumes. Darren thought that he had never seen so many sailor outfits and fairy wings. He felt almost drab in comparison, dressed as he was in a pair of faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt. His outfit was deliberately low-key, he had chosen to wear what he felt comfortable in and much as he enjoyed all the razzmatazz of his stage outfits he was enjoying just being plain old Darren Hayes for a while.

Even so he caught more than one person glancing his way, checking him out? Or merely searching their memories for where they had seen him before? Either way the attention was flattering but Darren refused to meet their eyes, not wanting to engage in conversation or be asked for an autograph, he simply wanted to stroll around and soak up the ambience of such a unique day, though once or twice he found his own head turning and his inner voice asking 'now is that a boy or a girl?'

The crowd was a real mixture, the annual event a real social occasion. There were families there with children, pushing babies in buggies or allowing them an advantaged view from a baby back-pack. All ages were present. All revelling in just being able to be themselves, to be to express themselves without fear of condemnation, proud of their sexuality.

Same sex couples walked around hand-in-hand, arms 'round each other, laughing and talking and over to one side of the park where they had gathered, a commitment ceremony was taking place. The officiator must have just said that the participants could kiss their partner as a loud cheer arose.

The cheering brought back memories of Darren's own wedding, how happy he and Colby had been, surrounded by their friends and family. Happiest day of your life, they said, and it was but somehow that happiness had floated away from them. Now here he was a single man and a solo artist.

Such thoughts led him to thinking once more of his other 'marriage', the musical one that he and Daniel had had.

Two marriages. Two divorces. Both of them heartbreaking.

For a split second Darren regretted agreeing to perform 'Affirmation' but there was no way he could get out of it now. Better to get it over and done with. The first time was always going to be the hardest. Like getting back on a horse after it had thrown you. He had always known that it was something that he would have to do sooner or later.

Sighing to himself he decided that he had better be getting back to the stage area to warm up his voice and go through his other pre-performance rituals. Not to mention that Leonie would no doubt be getting worried about where he was.

Backstage was a hub of frenzied excitement, Leonie instantly found him and led him over to the make-up table.

'You know Darren,' the make-up guy told him as he finished applying his foundation, 'if you have something to tell your fans now would be a perfect opportunity to do so.'

Darren caught his eye in the mirror and smiled. 'You know what?'

The guy smiled back, running his fingers through Darren's hair and making his scalp tingle. 'What?'

'I don't think so.' Darren sang, bursting into laughter.

'Oh well,' the guy shrugged and picked up a tube of mascara, 'no harm in trying.' He winked conspiratorially at Darren, 'Your secret's safe with me.'

Darren just shook his head and grinned. He had to give him ten out of ten for trying but there were going to be no great revelations from him today.

~Chapter Three~

His heart pumping nineteen to the dozen Darren stepped onto the stage just as the first few bars of 'Affirmation' came blaring out over the loud speakers.

The crowd cheered at his appearance and he took a moment just to look out at the sea of rainbow banners and flags.

Just to the right of the stage was a big blue and white sign that proclaimed in lopsided lettering 'We love you Darren'. Darren smiled and blew a kiss in that general direction. The three girls holding the sign doubled over in excitement that he had acknowledged them and hugged each other madly.

Moving to the centre of the stage, he took a deep breath and holding his hands up in the shape of a heart launched into the opening line, only too aware of its irony.

'I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality...' Darren swept his arm out encompassing all those before him. Another loud cheer from the crowd and smiles all round.

'I believe that trust is more important than monogamy...'

Darren sang his heart out all the time knowing that the dreaded instrumental break was drawing nearer and nearer.

'I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned......I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye...'

A lump rose in Darren's throat. When he wrote those words it was in the context of a love affair, now the words had another, much deeper meaning, as well.

He decided that the best way to deal with it would be to go over to the crowd again.

Crouching down he touched and shook some of the frantically waving hands. Glancing up he caught sight of , what he thought was, a familiar looking head of sandy blond hair. He couldn't see the person's face and even though he convinced himself that he was mistaken he couldn't stop his concentration from wandering. Wandering just long enough for a young dark-haired guy to feel bold enough to pull Darren down to him and plant a shy kiss on his cheek.

Smiling at the gentle gesture, Darren mouthed the words 'thank you' and watched as the guy blushed profusely.

Returning to the microphone Darren unclipped it and took several exaggerated inhalations.

'Can you feel this?' He asked the crowd, placing his free hand on his heart. 'Can you feel this?' He asked a little louder. ''Cos I can feel all you. I feel you here.' Thumping his chest for emphasis.

Only two more bars to go. That was the problem with playbacks, you couldn't improvise like you could with a live band behind you. Knowing that whatever you decided to do, however long you took rambling to the audience they would patiently wait for you, quietly keep playing in the background until you deemed it was time to reassume the song.

Taking one final deep breath Darren plunged into the third verse.

'I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness...'

Darren felt tears begin to prick at the back of his eyes. Don't stumble Hayes, he cautioned himself, not now, not much further to go.

With a huge sigh of internal relief Darren finished the song and went back to more comfortable territory.

'I want to sing you my new song. It's called 'Insatiable' and it's FUCKING SEXY!' He said to the cheering crowd.

This time when the opening chords floated out Darren closed his eyes and leant back into the song.

'When moonlight plays along the street...'

He swayed along to the beat. Truly proud of his first song as a solo artist.

'It was like a student-teacher relationship when we began. He knew he was developing me for greater things, then let me go. But I didn't want to be let go.'

That damn interview was still haunting him. Deep down he had always known that that was what Daniel was doing, guiding him along until he could remove the stabilisers from his bike and go it alone. But even so it had hurt.

Maybe Daniel had greater faith in him and his abilities than he himself had, maybe he had seen something that Darren couldn't.

With a rush Darren wished Daniel could see him now. 'Look Dan,' he wanted to scream, 'look at me, I'm doing it. Look no hands!'

Suddenly the joy of singing the song had gone, on autopilot he finished it out. Remembering all the moves but taking no real pleasure from them.

The professional in him kicked back in and he acknowledged the crowd with real warmth, lapping up all their admiration but like a kid who had just done their first cartwheel something was missing. And loathed as he was to admit it that something was Daniel.

~Chapter Four~

As Darren made to leave the stage there the person was again. They had their back to him but he was pretty certain that it was a guy. Black cargo pants, black tee-shirt and that mop of blond hair, not quite as blond as his, not quite as long, but long enough for the owner to run a hand through, sweeping it back from the front of his face.

Turn round, Darren silently willed him, turn 'round damnit! He had to know, even though he knew it was a one in a million chance.

One of the guys stood with him leant over and said something into his ear, the first guy nodded and slung his arm around his friend's? Darren wondered, shoulders. Well that confirmed it for Darren, his mind was playing tricks on him. There was no way the guy could have been who he thought it was. The person he knew would never have displayed that sort of affection in public.

Sighing to himself he ran down the steps to where Leonie was waiting.

'You ok? ' She enquired seeing the puzzled look on his face. 'You look like you've seen a ghost.'

'Might as well have been.' Darren muttered under his breath.

'Come on,' she took hold of him by the hand, 'there are a few fans hanging around by the security barriers, I think it would be a good idea if you went and said 'hello'.'

Though not really in the mood, all he wanted to do was go back to the hotel where he was staying and crash, Darren knew what it was like to be a fan, to wait around hoping to see your idol, so he forced a happy smile onto his face and went outside to greet them.

Chatting with the dozen or so fans who clustered around him lifted his spirits a little. This was why he kept going, kept making his music, to bring a little bit of sunshine into people's lives, to make them forget just for three and a half minutes how crappy the world could be sometimes. Their stories about how his music had touched them never failed to humble him.

Laughing and joking he signed autographs and happily posed for photos, submitting to the inevitable hugs and returning them. But all the time his eyes kept scanning the faces of the crowd as it milled around him, searching, wishing, hoping against hope that he would see the mystery man again. The rational part of his brain told him to leave it, that he was mistaken, after all he had seen the guy walk off with his arm around another guy and there must be hundreds, if not thousands, of men with the same build and hair colouring just in Sydney itself, let alone the rest of Australia. His heart told him otherwise, his heart clung onto that tiny, almost invisible scrap of hope that said 'what if?' and 'maybe'.

A couple more photos, a couple more copies of his single signed and Darren decided that he really was tired and it was time to go.

'Sorry guys,' he apologized profusely, 'but I really do have to go now, I know, I know,' he said in response to the general groan that arose, 'but thank you so much for all these,' he held up the small collection of letters and pictures he had been given, 'I promise I'll read them all. I love you, you make me feel so special.' And it was true, they did make him feel special, just not in the same way someone else could.

'You're very quiet.' Leonie commented as they were driven back to where they were staying.

'Just tired, that's all.' Darren reassured her. 'So you going out to the big party tonight?'

Once it grew dark the park was going to turn into one giant nightclub. There were going to be three huge marquees, each playing a different style of music.

'Yeah I thought I might check it out, it should be wild. You up for it?'

'I don't think so.' Darren replied, 'I think I might give it a miss.'

'What Darren Hayes passing up the opportunity to shake his thang?' Leonie laughed in disbelief.

'I'm all 'thanged' out.' Darren reiterated. It was true, he was, but he also just wanted some time alone with his thoughts, his memories. Time alone to reflect.

He had just kicked his shoes off and flopped down gratefully onto the bed when there came a sharp knock on his door.

What now? He wondered, couldn't people even give him five minutes peace? If it was Leonie coming to see if he had changed his mind...

Getting up he went to answer the knock, fully prepared to give whoever had disturbed him a piece of his mind.

Opening it the harsh words died on his lips and his jaw went slack.

'Hello Darren.'

'So my eyes weren't deceiving me?'

'No they weren't.'

'You were there.'

'Yeah.' A simple nod in confirmation.

'And who...who was it with you?'


'Lee's here? Where?' Darren peered up and down the hotel corridor in vain hope of spotting his one time bassist friend.

'He's waiting back at our hotel, I thought it might be better if I came to see you on my own.'

'You were really there?'


'But why?'

'I wanted to see you,' a shrug of the shoulders, 'see how you were doing without me.'

'And...' Darren's voice took on a warning tone. If he had come here just to gloat.

'And I was so proud of you. You looked fantastic up there and the crowd loved you. I always knew you could do it.'

'Yeah you did.'

'Look Darren can I come in?'

'What erm, yeah, ' belatedly Darren realized that his visitor was still standing in the hallway.

'Why did you really come?' He asked when they were both seated, he on the bed, his guest lounging in an armchair.

'Don't start. I've already told you why. I wanted to see how you performed as a solo artist.'

'Bullshit! Why take the risk of being recognized, why come all the way down here, why then come and find me? How did you find me?'

'Come on mate, it's not that difficult when you have the right contacts. The organizers have a complete list of where all the performers are staying, it was just a matter of sweet-talking the right person.'


For a while silence reigned in the room, Darren stared at the man in the chair, the man in the chair stared at his fingers.

'You really want to know why I'm here?'

'Yeah and why I haven't already asked you to leave.'

'You haven't asked me to leave for the same reason I'm here. You still feel it, I know you do because I feel it too. Darren, I...' A deep breath, eyes rising tentatively to met their counterpart's, 'I want us to start over.'

~Chapter Five~

'And what makes you think I do?'

'Because I know you, I can see it in your eyes.'

'You hurt me.'

'We both hurt each other.'

'It wasn't me who left.'

'It was time. I couldn't go on the way things were, the touring, the interviews, the whole media circus that our lives seemed to have degenerated into. I'm a musician not a celebrity, you've always known that. Besides it was time for you to spread those wings of yours and fly away. You didn't need me anymore. My job was done.'

'Of course I needed you,' Darren fought hard against raising his voice, shouting wouldn't solve anything. It hadn't solved anything then and it wouldn't solve anything now. 'I've always needed you.'

Daniel shook his head sadly. 'Not anymore.'

'I need you Dan,' his voice softened, 'I need you now more than ever. I'm scared, I can't do this without you.' Darren rose from the bed and went over to kneel in front of Daniel, taking his hands in his. 'I have missed you so much.' Against his better judgement a tear started to fall.

'Those things you said in all those interviews, did you mean them?'

'I was angry, hurting, you know me, speak first, think later.'

Daniel smiled. 'Still the same old impetuous Darren.'

'The one and only.' Darren grinned through his tears.

Out of habit Daniel freed a hand from Darren's and leant forward to brush them away. 'So how about it, give it another try?'

'Ok, but let's take it slow yeah, one step at a time.'

'Fine by me. Want to start by coming out with me and Lee tonight. I hear the party up in the park is going to be one kick-ass affair.'

'I don't know, perhaps we shouldn't be seen together and anyway, since when did you like parties.'

'You're not the only one who's changed Darren, and there is no such thing as bad publicity right?'

Darren was undecided, part of him was suddenly very up for a night out on the tiles but another just wanted to curl up and talk with Daniel, catch up on all the bits of their lives that hadn't made national headlines over the past five months.

'Can't we just stay here, I want to hear everything you've been up to. How's Kathleen? I gather it's pretty serious.'

Daniel smiled at the thought. 'I love her. What about you?'

'Nope, still single and loving it.'

'No regrets though?'

'No, never.' Darren raised himself up and looked at Daniel. 'Now how about you say hello to me properly?' He opened his arms and welcomed Daniel into a huge bear hug.

'You have no idea how I've missed you.' Daniel murmured into Darren's neck.

Darren stroked his hair and drawing them back slightly dropped a light kiss on Daniel's forehead. 'It's been too long Dan.'

'Uh-huh.' Daniel's fingers went to the nape of Darren's neck, gently caressing the soft skin there.

'Will you stay here tonight?'

'You know I will, just let me call Lee and let him know.'

'Oh shit Lee, I had forgotten, will he mind?'

'No, he'll be cool, a whole group of us came down together, he's got plenty of company to go out with.'

'Ok. Wow, Daniel with a whole group of friends and prepared to go out hitting the town. You have changed.'

Daniel chuckled. 'It's all a wicked rumour.' Reaching for his cell phone he hit an autodial and called Lee.

'Yeah, I'm still with Darren...yeah it's fine...he's fine, we're fine...no I'm going to stay here for a while...no, you go...yes I'm sure...have fun...have one for me...yeah laters...see ya.'

'So...' Daniel said setting the phone down on the side table.


'It's just me and you then.'

'Wanna issue a press release?'

'Erm, I'll pass on that if you don't mind.'

'Settle for some supper from room service? I'm starving, haven't eaten since breakfast, been too nervous.'

'Sure, room service sounds fine.' Daniel moved away over towards the balcony doors.

'You don't have to.'

'I know but I want to, kinda a bit of a give away if I fill the whole room with smoke.'

'True,' Darren agreed coming up and embracing Daniel from behind, resting his head on his shoulder, feeling his chest rise as Daniel lit up and inhaled deeply, 'so for now...'

'For now let's just keep this between ourselves yeah?'

'Whatever you say.'

'Darren I'm not ready for it to all start up again. I've had enough of the press to last me a lifetime.'

'No such thing as bad publicity, you said.'

'I know, I've changed my mind.'

'It'll be our little secret, I promise you.'

'Don't go making promises you know you cannot keep.'

'Tosser, you know I hate that song.'

'Not one of our better ones I grant you.' Daniel chuckled.

'We did have some good times didn't we, I mean in between all the fighting, back when we started out?'

'Yes we did, it's just that somewhere along the line...'

'We lost something.' Darren whispered sadly.

'We lost us.' Daniel said, exhaling with a sigh and sending a cloud of nicotine laced smoke up into the night air.

~Chapter Six~

For a long time they just stood there, Daniel silently smoking his cigarette, Darren just relishing the warmth and comfort that radiated from the body he still had his arms wrapped around.

Eventually, and too soon for Darren's liking, Daniel flicked away his butt, watching as it swirled to the ground eight floors below, the tip sending little sparks of orange shooting off on the breeze.

Turning around in Darren's arms Daniel placed his hands on Darren's shoulders and asked, 'So what do you want to do now? That offer of room service still good?'

'Yeah,' Darren replied smiling, 'how about we order pizza and cheese chips and lots of chocolate ice cream?'

'Just like old times eh? Wanna see if there are any good movies on dial-up as well?'

'Just like old times, I like the sound of that. When it was just me and you against the world eh?'

'Well I'd say we took them on and won, wouldn't you?'

'Oh yeah.' Darren released Daniel and went over to the phone, Daniel closing the balcony doors behind them and following, grabbing the hotel's movie list and flopping down on the bed to peruse it.

Kicking off his shoes he rolled over onto his stomach, waiting while Darren rattled off the list of food they wanted.

'Sounds like you're ordering for an army there Doze.' Daniel commented as Darren hung up the phone and then stopped.

Darren looked at him, he knew that Daniel hadn't meant to use his pet name and it felt strange to hear it again, especially from him.

'I'm sorry Darren.' Daniel apologised, deliberately emphasising the use of his full name.

'It's ok,' he smiled weakly, 'it just sounds a bit odd, no one really calls me that anymore, that's all.'

'So what do they call you?'

'Sir mainly or Mister Hayes.' Darren grinned.

'Well I can think of a few other choice names.' Daniel said, not looking at Darren.

'Such as?' Darren could hazard a guess, he had flung as many at Daniel towards the end and privately since as well.

'Wanker, tosser, stuck-up fucker, bastard,' Daniel fixed Darren with a stare, 'a complete and utter bastard.

'I am so sorry Danny.' Darren advanced towards the bed, moving to kneel alongside Daniel. 'I was all of those things and more, forgive me...please?' He pleaded.

'Like you never called me any of them.' Daniel said quietly and Darren could tell that he wasn't really spoiling for yet another fight rather, he was just stating a fact.

'I believe I added cunt to the mix as well.'

To his complete and utter surprise Daniel's mouth turned up in a wry smile which became a grin and then all out laughter.

'What?' Darren asked indignantly.

'It's just that I can't see you ever using such a word.'

'Well I can and I did many a time. See...cunt, cunt, cunt, Daniel Jones is a fucking cunt.'

'Enough already.' Daniel said rolling over and grabbing onto Darren.

'Oh no you don't.' Darren squealed as Daniel's fingers began to attack his sides, 'No, no get off you cunt.'

'Tsk, tsk, you really do have to do something about that mouth of yours Darren.'

'Make me.' Darren challenged.

'Right that's it.' Daniel straddled Darren forcing him down onto the mattress, his fingers instinctively going for Darren's weak spots. 'Give?' He asked the squirming figure under him.

'No never.'

'Give?' Daniel asked again, finding the hem of Darren's tee shirt and forcing it up so that he could continue his assault on bare skin.

'Fuck you!' Darren replied.

Daniel stopped what he was doing and sitting back let Darren breathe properly again. 'Wasn't that how we got in this mess in the first place?' He said sadly.

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