Under the Moonlight
I Thought I Believed I Knew


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I Thought I Believed I Knew by PrettyAngel

I thought it was just a break

I believed we had something special

I knew you had feelings for me

I thought you could help me with mine

I believed we could be together one day

I knew you wanted it

I thought I was angry

I believed I was mistaken

I knew I was disappointed

I thought you'd know better by now

I believed it would settle itself

I knew you'd do this to yourself - never

I thought it was a nightmare

I believed I would never wake up

I knew I was wrong

I thought I could handle it

I believed it would still be life as usual for me

I knew I'd go the same way

I thought it would be faster

I believed the wrong stories

I knew I'd see a white light

I thought I'd see other images

I believed what I saw were the most important things

I knew I'd see you again soon
